Ionic Foot Baths: What are they and do they really work?

DETOX. This word has become a buzzword in modern society. Detox programs, detox diets, detox foods…detox this, cleanse that. In a perfect world, your body is firing on all cylinders and the healthy food you eat as part of your normal diet gives your body what it needs to rid itself of toxins. In the real world, maybe our diet isn’t as clean as it should be, maybe our surroundings aren’t the pristine environment that they used to be, or maybe we just went to Vegas. Sometimes our body may need some extra help in ridding itself of some toxic buildup. Unfortunately, there are many detox programs being pushed by doctor google that sometimes do more harm than good. In our clinic, we utilize an Ionic Foot Bath to assist in cleansing our patients. Sitting comfortably while your feet soak in a warm Mediterranean Sea Salt foot bath not only sounds wonderful but also does much more than “detox”. Ionic Foot Baths provide significant health benefits:

  • Removal of toxins

  • Reduces sweating

  • Calms the body

  • Boosts your immune system

  • Improves mood

  • Burns calories

  • Encourages normal blood sugar

  • Boosts cardiovascular health 

How it works

Ionic foot baths operate by sending an electrical current, through what is called an array. This array is placed in a tub of salt infused water in which you soak your feet. Now let’s think about that. My feet in a tub of water…with electricity in it…WHOA…sounds dangerous!!! Let's quell that fear right off the bat. The foot bath power supply is converted from a dangerous AC current from the wall outlet into a harmless DC current that splits water molecules to produce ions. The “IonCleanse by AMD”, used in our clinic, has an external power supply that does this conversion before the current reaches the control unit. No chance of any kind of electrical accidents. 

Now here is the actual theory of how this unit works. During the first half of your soak, the electric current being pushed through the array interacts with the salt and water causing water molecules to divide and create negative ions. As these negative ions build up, the body absorbs them through osmosis which has the positive effect of latching onto toxic matter throughout your body. As the second half of your foot bath begins, the machine changes the electric current to create positive ions. The positive ions draw the negative ions back out of the body while hanging onto the toxic matter they have attached themselves to. Based upon this type of biochemical reaction, many types of stored chemicals, heavy metals, vaccine toxins, and environmental toxins can be eliminated.

To watch how it works click here

Do I need it?

Who can benefit from Ionic Foot Baths? Because of our toxin laden world, the answer is everyone! It is of particular benefit though to anyone who currently has a diagnosed illness. As the body works through healing phases, it naturally produces an abundance of toxins. If the body’s detoxification pathways are not able to handle the influx of this toxic load, the healing process will slow or even stop. The foot baths minimize the stress load of these pathways along with the additional benefit of alkalizing the body system. This alkalization adds to your immunity and resistance to future infection. This, along with the many other reasons listed above is why we suggest Ionic Foot Baths to all our patients.

For more information click here

Know your bath

I’m sure you have heard of the saying, “you get what you pay for.” That really applies here. Using the ole google machine you can find many different foot baths on the market. It is very important to know what you are getting. Not all footbaths are created equal. Many have a current so low it cannot generate sufficient negative ions to detoxify and yet others do not add the benefit of the dual, negative/positive charges to maximize the detoxification process. Also, not all safety standards are the same. The “Ionic Cleanse Solo by AMD” as used in our clinic, has the highest safety standards available on the market today.

AMD Ionic Cleanse Solo Certificate of Compliance

For more information on the Ionic Foot Bath or to schedule a foot bath for yourself CLICK HERE


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